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Real-time Search Engine Results Page Data from Major Search Engines

Get structured SERP data in JSON, CSV, or HTML with a 100% success rate. Transform result pages into insights to power your business.
Advanced browser fingerprint strategies
Customizable search parameters
Well-tested and polished scrapers
No CAPTCHAs, 100% success rate
Simple API with easy integration
This feature is coming soon, be among our very first customers
SERP Scraping API

happy customers from all over the world

99.9% uptime

allows you to focus on your business goals

98 TB

of data processed within past 24 hours

Why litport?
Litport provide private solutions since 2008, and offer public services since 2019. We are here to change the game.

Sharing know-how

You do web scraping, ad verification, SEO monitoring? We do that for many years on enterprise level. We know how to solve issues and how top quality proxy should work.

Custom software

Our website and infrastructure are managed by completely custom software made from the scratch. Designed and engineered by top notch professionals around the world specifically for litport and you.

Anonymous Proxies

All proxies in our system are anonymous. We don't use any extra headers keeping private your original IP and location.

HTTP/SOCKS5 Protocols

Our proxies can work with any software that support HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies. Need UDP support? We got you!

Our own infrastructure

We own our devices and have a dedicated team to manage it 24/7/365. This way we can guarantee the best quality on the market.

Proxy pool growth

We constantly work on expanding our proxy pool to give you the best possible geo coverage with fast speed and low latency.

Read testimonials from our customers

For anyone in affiliate marketing, this API is a godsend. Tracks prices and product updates across multiple platforms effortlessly, making sure I'm always on top of the game.
this api has been crucial for developing our content strategy—really helps us see what's trending. Only downside? The dashboard could be more intuitive.
This API has simplified lead generation for us. Scraping potential leads and their data from SERPs is now seamless. Real time-saver and very reliable.
Work with any software and any website
We guarantee work with any software that support HTTP/SOCKS5 proxies. In case of any issues our support will always help you to set it up.

Frequently asked questions

SERP scraping involves collecting data from search engine results pages to aid in keyword research, SEO tracking, and digital marketing strategies.
The SERP Scraper API facilitates real-time extraction of data from leading search engines, aiding SEO assessments, market analysis, and competitive intelligence, which are crucial for refining marketing and content strategies.
The SERP API is designed to deliver results almost instantaneously, typically within a few seconds, ensuring timely data retrieval for all users.
Yes, the SERP Scraper API is fully equipped to handle Google's continuous scroll, loading additional organic results automatically without extra input needed from the user.
Indeed, the SERP Scraper API can process JavaScript, which is essential for extracting dynamic content from various Google services, including Google Travel.
Success rates are calculated by the number of successful retrievals, which are defined as responses fetched from the target site that return status codes within the 2xx or 4xx range.
Pre-configured scrapers within our API solutions are designed for immediate use, simplifying data collection without the need for extensive technical skills or separate proxy management.
Our SERP Scraping API delivers results in real-time, often taking mere milliseconds to provide data, catering to even the most time-sensitive applications.
Yes, scraping SERPs is legal as it involves accessing publicly available data displayed on search engine results pages.
Our API supports a wide range of applications from organic keyword tracking to ad intelligence, making it suitable for businesses needing real-time data for SEO and market research.
The SERP API provides fast, reliable search results from all major search engines, with capabilities to adjust search parameters by location, device, and time for precise data collection.
The SERP API is engineered to support extensive scale operations, capable of handling up to one billion requests per month and adaptable to increased demand as required.

Ready to try SERP scraper from litport?

With millions of mobile, datacenter, and residential IPs, cutting-edge technology, flexible prices, and experienced support, our premium proxy services are the best choice for any business needs.
This feature is coming soon, be among our very first customers
Accept all cards, PayPal, and crypto
Flexible refund policy
Hourly, daily, and weekly options

Need custom proxy solution?

We can create a strategic customized solution, specifically tailored for your business, which fits your needs and requirements.
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