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In this section we publish different articles about mobile residential proxies.
How to use mobile proxies, why would you need that, use cases and many other topics.

Why my proxy has wrong geo location?

published 2021-08-18
by Amanda Williams

When you check the IP on one of the IP-checking services you expect the IP to be from that exact city that you see on your dashboard. But it may happen that the IP is displayed as the one from a different city, state, or even country. Why? You will find some examples, explanations, and possible reasons below.

Here is an example when we have checked the IP of the device that is located in Seattle and the IP-checking tool defines it as a Utah IP.

How to set up a proxy with the Proxy SwitchyOmega

published 2021-08-18
by Paul Wang

Proxy SwitchyOmega is a browser extension. It allows you to skip changing your browser settings each time you need to enable or disable proxy. Making those changes may be rather annoying. Especially if you have two or more proxies and switch between them frequently. From this guide, you will learn how to set up proxies in SwithchyOmega extension and how to use them.

How to set a proxy on Opera for Windows

published 2021-08-18
by Amanda Williams

Note: For this tutorial we used Opera version 67.0.3575.137 for Windows 10.

To start setting up a proxy on Opera, open the browser and head to the Settings.

How to set a proxy on Mozilla Firefox browser

published 2021-08-18
by James Sanders

Note: For this tutorial, we used Mozilla Firefox Version 75.0 (64-bit) for Windows 10
To start setting up a proxy on Mozilla Firefox, open the browser and head to the menu in its upper-right corner.

How to set a proxy on Edge for Windows

published 2021-08-17
by Amanda Williams

Note: For this tutorial, we used Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0 for Windows 10.
To start setting up a proxy on Microsoft Edge, open the browser and head to the Browser Menu.

Microsoft Edge browser

What is a mobile proxy server & how do mobile proxies work?

published 2021-08-16
by Amanda Williams

If you are professionally engaged in SMM or web scraping, then you should face the termin "proxy". Almost every third-party service, after registering or installing an application on a smartphone, asks for permission to use a proxy. As an option — ask to enter your data. Mobile proxies are needed for parsing subscribers or posts mentioning a topic, analyzing competitor profiles, etc. If you don't use them, your account may be blocked due to a huge number of requests to the server. It will take a long time to explain with the administration of social networks and the client who provided you with access to his account.

In the article, we will tell you what mobile proxies are, what are their advantages, and where to buy them.

How to Scrape a Website Without Getting Blocked

published 2021-08-16
by James Sanders

Many companies today use parsing for many important benefits. Whether you are an online trader or just want to provide services to other companies, collecting data can be a way to increase your bottom line.

However, many companies that may employ a large number of programmers or system administrators do not see manual parsing as a desirable activity. The fact is that sending a large number of requests for resources can block the operation of the site.

If you want to know how to crawl a website without getting blocked read this article.

How to Reduce Risk of Getting Proxies Blocked

published 2021-07-14
by James Sanders

If your job is web scraping, then perhaps you know that you may be faced with two things. The first is legal considerations and blockages. The two concepts are closely related, although the debate about the legality and ethics of parsing continues and does not subside.

In this article, we will tell you how to use a proxy without blocking websites. Let's dive into the topic.

What is a rotating proxy and how does it work?

published 2021-07-02
by Amanda Williams

Rotating IP proxy cyclically changes IP addresses from the proxy pool to make it harder for web servers to recognize them. This ensures that IP addresses are used evenly, which makes them less likely to be blocked on the target site's server.

If you don’t want your IP addresses to be suspicious, you should change it periodically. This step will allow you to access the target site from a different address, or even from a different location, depending on the capabilities of your proxy server with IP address rotation.

From the article, you will learn what proxy rotation is, why it is needed and what advantages this method has.

Main reasons you need residential proxies and how to use it

published 2021-05-12
by Paul Wang

Residential proxies are the best convenient tool for marketers, buyers, and ordinary users who want to anonymously use the Internet. With their help, you can not be tracked and blocked on certain sites, and it will be almost impossible to calculate your traces on the network. How this service works, what needs it covers, and how to get it, you will find out in this article.

Why litport?

Litport provide private solutions since 2008, and offer public services since 2019. We are here to change the game.

Flexible pricing policy
In most of our locations we provide flexible packages that allow you to get best price and features ratio.
HTTP/SOCKS5 Protocols
Our proxies can work with any software that support HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies. Need UDP support? We got you!
Fast and reliable
Run your requests at blazing 4G/LTE speeds as high as 50 Mbps.
Servers distribution
Our servers are located in different countries to provide you minimum ping to your proxy and get you maximum 4G/LTE speed.
Unmetered Bandwidth
There are no limitations on data transfer. Focus on your business, don't worry about traffic.
Backconnect Proxies
Our residential backconnect proxies manage IP rotation, you don't need to change any settings. Get new IP address every X minutes, or change it manually via API.